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Local Author Featured at First Meeting of Season on September 12th

John A. Brennan, one of our published members, will help to start our 2018 – 2019 season. His topic at this meeting will be his latest book, Out of the Ice: Ireland Then and Now, a history of Ireland that begins in the Ice Age and continues to modern times. John’s is a history of the familiar in Irish history and the lesser-known stories shrouded in the mists of time. Out of the Ice is a finalist in the International Book Awards competition.

John Brennan was most recently with us in February 2017 to read to us from his award winning book Don’t Die with Regrets, a memoir. His second book, The Journey: A Nomad Reflects, is a poetry collection which won a Worldwide Book Excellence Award. John is from Crossmaglen, County Armagh. John A. Brennan’s manner of speech and his unique approach to Irish history will return us to our colorful culture

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