A Musical Evening with a Harper

A harper will play the music of Thomas Moore at the next Irish Cultural Society meeting on March 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the Garden City Library, 60 Seventh Street, across the street from the Garden City Hotel. The meeting is free and open to the public.
On that evening the great Irish poet and musician Thomas Moore will be the subject of the Society’s meeting. Moore’s “Last Rose of Summer” and “The Minstrel Boy” are among Moore’s most loved ballads. Moore’s songs are beautifully played on the harp and will be played on the harp on this night by the Society’s member and harper Joseph Mugivan.
Mugivan is a retired New York City teacher. He has taught literacy studies in the Queens College Graduate School of Education as an adjunct. He hopes to start a Harp Center in the Garden City School District. As part of his program, Joe will also inform his audience of Thomas Moore’s place in Irish cultural history. Irish poetry and music in the Garden City Library! Who can ask for anything more!
Join us on Wednesday, March 11th at the Garden City Public Library. The meeting begins at 7:30pm.