The Contributions of Northern Ireland Immigrants
At this meeting our guest speaker, Geoffrey Cobb will focus and lead a discussion about the immigrants from Ulster and their...
Life and Times of Eamon Kelly
At our September 14th meeting, we will learn about the Life and Times of Eamon Kelly, the great Irish storyteller. Appropriately, our...

Dagger John: Archbishop John Hughes and the Making of Irish America
In the 1820s, Irish immigrants to the United States were a not unwelcome addition to a rapidly expanding nation. They were often...

2022 Writing Contest Centered on "Men at Work"
The members of the Irish Cultural Society and the members of the H.W. Wilson Foundation are pleased to announce the launch of the 2022...

The Great Famine - an Gorta Mor
The Great Famine- an Gorta Mór (Great Hunger) – is Ireland’s greatest tragedy. The blight caused more than a million Irish people to die...

Anglo-Irish Treaty and Civil War
Our next meeting will feature and evening focused on the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 which granted the island of Ireland partial...

Irish Immigrants in the American Civil War
Our next evening will focus on the impact of the Civil War on Irish-born men and women, their participation in the military, the...

Our 2021-22 Season Steps Off with: Mna na h'Eireann (Women of Ireland)
Our first speaker of the new season is a member often in our audience and a voice familiar to us from the radio show he hosted for many...
Writing Contest Winners Announced!
The members of the Irish Cultural Society and the members of the H.W. Wilson Foundation are pleased to announce and congratulate the...

The Irish People in Story, Song and Poetry
Jim Hawkins, our local storyteller, returns with part 3 of his performance, "The Irish People in Story, Song and Poetry." In this chapter...